how to run for 30 minutes

How to run for 30 minutes on a treadmill

Looking for a new challenge and to run for 30 minutes on a treadmill? We give you our top advice on how to do it.


For anyone who is looking to get into running, 30 minutes is often the first target they set for themselves. But for some beginners that can seem a very tall order! Cramps and feeling out of breath can be just some of the problems you face in your first session, making that target seem well out of reach. But if you stick at it and keep going, you'll get there in the end.Here are a few tips to help you get going on the treadmill. Let’s GO!

The positive effects of sport

Don't put yourself under too much pressure

Sport is and should always be a source of pleasure. It's a way of unwinding, relaxing, taking care of yourself, building up your self-confidence and challenging yourself. It offers so many benefits!


When you're starting out, you tend to want to do everything straightaway. You set yourself objectives that are too ambitious and you lose motivation when you come up against the slightest obstacle. That's a real shame because you're missing out on all the positive things that playing sport has to offer. Putting too much pressure on yourself has the opposite effect to what you're looking for. It's counterproductive. It's important to challenge yourself, to want to improve, but you also have to be aware of what you're capable of.

As in every sport, you need to be patient when you start running. Try to avoid comparing yourself to other people. Everyone has their own pace and their own objectives! Do your very best but try to go easy on yourself too.

Our advice is not to let your head drop if you don't achieve your goal right away. Running is all about perseverance. You'll get there if you stick at it, but there's no point in rushing.


Get the right equipment

Whether you're running at home or in the gym, choosing the right treadmill is important.

There are four things you need to take into account:

  • Running area

    The size of the running area (minimum 40cm wide).

  • Console and maximum speed

    The programmes available and maximum speed to progress towards.

  • Incline

    The ability to vary the slope during your sessions.

  • Shock absorption

    Treadmill running is better for your joints than road running.

how to choose your treadmill

Get yourself a good pair of running shoes. There are a few things you need to bear in mind in making your choice.

  • Sole

    The surface on which you run is a big factor. Shoes for running on treadmills are different to trail running shoes.

  • Distance

    The distance you run on average. Running for 30 minutes at a time requires different gear to running for an hour and a half a time.

  • Stride

    Your type of stride: neutral, pronation or supination.

  • Effect

    The effect you're looking for: cushion, rebound, lightness, etc.

Treadmill running: getting started

And take it steady

To achieve your goal of running for 30 minutes on a treadmill, you need to set gradual objectives. Try running for 15 minutes first of all, then 20 and 25 and break it down by alternating between running and walking. The best approach is to go step by step and not make life too hard for your body, especially if you're not used to running. That way you'll avoid injuring yourself, and you won't put yourself off running for good by forcing it. Like we said, it's all about having fun!

You'll find more tips on how to start treadmill running here:


Go at your own pace

You should always listen to your body, especially when you're taking your first strides. Listen to your breathing and how you feel. Are you cramping? If you don't feel good, then slow down. You need to strike the right balance between a pace that's too gentle and a pace that's too fast and tiring. Running for 30 minutes is not the same as sprinting. You have to be able to stick it out. If you set off too fast, you'll run for less time. And that's not exactly what you're looking for, is it?

When you're starting out, switch between walking and running.

Alternating between walking and running and increasing the incline

The best way to achieve your goal is to start out by switching between running and walking. By alternating between the two you can keep on moving. And as you progress, you will find yourself walking less and running more.

You can also work on your stamina by increasing the incline, which steps up the level of difficulty. The more stamina you have, the longer you will be able to run without feeling exhausted and the quicker you will be able to reach your objective.

Like running but feel hesitant about using a treadmill? Check out our advice on how to get to grips with this very useful piece of fitness equipment.

run for 30 minutes regularly

Consistency is the key

The hardest part is getting into it and sticking with it. There's no secret to running for 30 minutes. You just have to be consistent. 

A Decathlon Coach app will help you choose which training plan to follow, give you tips and allow you to track your progress. 

A heart rate monitor is also useful for telling you more about yourself and monitoring your sessions.

running 30 minutes recovery

The importance of recovery

It might seem paradoxical but recovery is very important when it comes to making progress and staying motivated. Give yourself a day off between each run, or even two. There's no point in forcing it because you might overdo it or even end up picking up an injury. So take care of yourself.


Charlotte shares her experience of running on a treadmill

So why treadmill running?

“It makes running easier to get into and less daunting.When you start running you don't know how long you're going to last. With a treadmill you can push yourself without worrying about where you are. You're in your bubble on the machine, and you can run without pressure and at your own pace. With a little willpower you can quickly hit that 30-minute mark :).

Another good thing about the treadmill is that you can see in real time how fast you're going. You can control your pace and step it up little by little to keep making progress. The same goes for incline. When you're running outdoors you can't change the slope just like that."


The treadmill and running outdoors: are they mutually exclusive?

“I see them both as compatible. I think they even complement each other. You work in a different way and the feeling's different. When it's raining, grey and cold, I stay indoors. And when it's nice and sunny I head outdoors. It's a real luxury!”


Isn't treadmill running boring?

“Not at all! You don't have all these different things to look at, so you're left with your own thoughts. For me it's a chance to re-energise myself, refocus and take stock of my goals, all while I'm listening to music. And if I'm in the mood to learn something or be inspired, I listen to podcasts. It's a chance to have a little "me" time and to take care of body and soul."


Now that you've got the right mindset and you've taken all this advice on board, you know exactly what you have to do to run for 30 minutes on the treadmill.