Sport at the weekend

And what if we made the most of doing sport at the weekend?

Between work, housekeeping, doing the shopping and other moments of profound laziness, it's not always obvious to dedicate a bit of time to doing sport on week days. Luckily that is what the weekend is for! And the effectiveness of doing a sport exclusively at the weekend could surprise you...

Between work, housekeeping, doing the shopping and other moments of profound laziness, it's not always obvious to dedicate a bit of time to doing sport on week days. Luckily that is what the weekend is for! And the effectiveness of doing a sport exclusively at the weekend could surprise you...

Doing sport at the weekend is (also) good for your health

Scientific studies have proven that: doing sport at the weekend is nearly as beneficial for your body and health as doing it regularly in the week!

The only imperative to getting the positive effects: do your favourite sport intensively during these weekend sessions. The results speak for themselves: for the more than 60 000 sportspeople observed over several years by this Australian study, all, Sunday sports enthusiasts, like regular sportspeople, managed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 41%. The figures were just as conclusive concerning cancer: when 21% of regular sports users reduced the risk of contracting cancer, Sunday sports users still reached 17%.

Sport at the weekend:time on your hands

It's sometimes complicated to organise a sports session on weekdays that lives up to this name when you don't have enough time. The weekend can, therefore, have this advantage: having plenty of time on your hands to be able to go off for several hours and do the activity of your choice.

The 4-hour cycling sorties, the infamous long outings as part of your next marathon training, or yet still never-ending tennis matches…

What sports should you do at the weekend?

Just as we mentioned above, doing sport at the weekend is synonymous with having plenty of time. So you are spoilt for choice to do a physical activity of your choice! Nothing is off limits: swimming, running, cycling… The list is displayed.

We can't resist, however, giving you a few examples of weekend activities:


Get yourself out outdoors this weekend and go walking in the countryside! Walking is first and foremost about taking the time to enjoy the magnificent scenery, whilst accumulating the miles without even noticing. And since you have several hours to yourself…

The triathlon

Tried to do swimming, cycling and running one after the other on a week day? Let's be honest, it's practically mission impossible. Well luckily for all triathlon freaks, the weekend perfectly fits the bill for satisfying your enthusiasm.

The intermodal bike

Since you have time on your hands, why not make the most of banishing car trips and mixing cycling with public transport? Not only are you going to do the environment good (no CO2 emissions), but you are also going to get plenty of fresh air. You are even going to have that pleasant feeling of doing sport but without even noticing it!

So are you convinced by doing sport at the weekend?

Give us also your tips and tricks for optimising your sports activities!

Some interesting tips