
A perfect summer body with your swiss ball

Do you dream of lying on the beach this summer with a flat tummy, thin legs, and sculpted curves? Just like Audrey, with Pilates and the Swiss Ball, this perfect figure can be yours! Although surprising at first, using suitable exercises with this giant ball will help you to reach your goals in a gentle, fun, and unexpected way.

To wear your swimsuit like a model in a magazine, all you need is this: your Swiss Ball. How is that possible? What does it work on exactly? You're full of questions… Don't give up, stay focused, the answers are coming!

The principle of the swiss ball: find your balance... and keep it

Invented in the 1960s by a Swiss physical therapist for relieving back pain, this big chubby ball—also called a gym ball, fitball, physioball, or Klein ball—is based on a simple principle: instability. Its spherical shape causes it to move, escape, and roll at the slightest pressure when correctly inflated. To keep your balance, your entire body needs to produce some effort. Muscles, joints, concentration… you need it all!

Since they are so well-rounded, Swiss Balls are used in many disciplines, including by high-level athletes. Applied to Pilates, and with the goal of sculpting your figure, it allows you to achieve miracles.


The effect: strengthening and slimming your figure

The great advantage of Swiss Balls is that they allow you to work on your muscles without increasing their volume. No matter what part of the body you target, it will tone, firm, and lengthen it, just like a rolling pin on dough.


The perfect accessory for a flat tummy

To address the imbalance that you are confronted with by sitting or putting part of your body on a Swiss Ball, you will first need to engage your core. Your abdominal wall and deep abdominal muscles are forced to contract. By doing exercises, your muscles will strengthen and slim down, and your tummy will gradually get sculpted!

The best friend of sculpted curves, slim legs, firm arms... 

Although the Swiss Ball primarily engages the abs, they aren't the only muscles that benefit. Lots of strengthening and toning exercises allow you to target more precise parts of your body. This way, based on your body type, you can: shape your curves by working your gluteus minimus and medius, slim your hips and thighs, or tone your arms, particularly your biceps. And all this without forcing—and in a good mood!


A weapon against cellulite and orange peel

The cherry on the cake, the Swiss Ball is also a top accessory for slimming down! Regularly engaging your muscles, particularly the deep muscles, will help you to shake off those extra pounds, melt away cellulite, and fight the orange peel effect. Combined with a healthy, balanced diet, the results are astounding. It's proven.

A gentle practice

No need to exercise 12 hours a day to achieve your goals! The best strategy is regularity. To start out, 15 minutes per day are enough. This time will allow you to get to know the accessory and get used to the feeling of imbalance, which can initially be disconcerting. Once this discovery period is past, increase the length of your sessions—and why not their pace, based on your ability and your goals. And if your schedule doesn't allow you to work out regularly, no panic: you can absolutely replace your office chair with a Swiss Ball. Simply sitting on it is beneficial!

photo swiss ball product file

Simple, accessible, and complete, the Swiss Ball is a Pilates essential for everyone who wants to improve their posture, strengthen their deep muscles, and improve their athletic performance.